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Robert C. Price Band Suite Dedication

On Friday, October 28, 2022 of Homecoming Weekend, the Chamberlain band room was dedicated to Bob Price, beloved Chamberlain Band Director 1956-1980.  Bob was an outstanding and beloved band director and educator, and composed Chamberlain's Alma Mater.

CHS Band Room 2022
CHS Band Room Named 2022
1959 Bob Price
Band Music Dedication Historical Slide Show 10-28-22
Music Dedication Program Front 10-2022

The Chamberlain High School  Legacy Alliance proposed that the band facilities  at Chamberlain High School be named the “ Robert C. Price Band Hall”.   Through his vision, leadership, dedication, persistence, teaching skills, and his ability to nurture  student skills and talents, Mr. Price left a legacy that has ripples today. As the individual students whose lives he impacted continued their education in music and many other areas, as they grew to adulthood and raised their own families, as they chose careers and jobs, they were privileged to be a part of his legacy of excellence.

Mr. Price began his tenure as a music educator in Hillsborough County in 1948 as the band director at Sulphur Springs Junior High School. In 1956, when Chamberlain opened, the school community was fortunate to have Mr. Price chosen as its first Band Director, a position he held for 24 years.   

During his tenure at Chamberlain, the marching and concert   bands consistently earned Superior ratings, and the ensembles and soloists performed to the  highest levels. The band was renowned around the entire country, traveling to numerous parades, events, and festivals.   

During his years at Chamberlin students were imbued with an appreciation of musicianship, and a sense of  pride in being part of an organization. All students in the band program were taught that  dedication, commitment, responsibility, confidence, discipline, and a sense of community were essential to success, not just in a music classroom but everywhere life would take you. An unusually high  number of his students pursued careers in music: many became band or music teachers, some became professional musicians. Students in his band program pursued many career choices and life choices that relied on the qualities that Mr. Price instilled.   

Mr. Price was president of the Florida Bandmasters Association from 1970-1971. He was recognized by his peers with induction into the Florida Bandmasters Association Hall of Fame in 1996.

Although Robert C. Price was born  in 1922 and passed away in 1995, he still has a tangible living legacy at Chamberlain High School. Anyone who plays or sings the Chamberlain High School Alma mater continues to be influenced by his legacy. He composed the music for it.

1965-66 CHS Band
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